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So you want to give up the daily grind of a JOB and make money with your own Internet home business? - You can Start Right Here....

Small Business Ideas - for BIG Profits ....

I'm sure we've all had many great ideas for starting our own business but never had the courage to actually do anything about it. If you happen to mention your business idea to your family or friends, you tend to get lots of words of wisdom and advice from all those who have never even thought about running their own business.

Have you ever experienced people giving you more advice than you really wanted?

At these times people mean well; however their bombardment of thought and ideas can be more detrimental then helpful. I experienced this recently when I left my job and career of twenty five years to do something different.

I had worked as a social worker for that time span and was feeling that I needed to take a break from the emotional turmoil of dealing with other peoples issues, crisis’s and problems on a day to day basis. I hate the term burned out, but I guess that is what I was.

I wanted to do something completely different. I knew I had skills in many areas; however when you do not have the experience or education to back that up it is hard to convince a perspective employer to give you an interview. I was trying to come up with small business ideas so I could be self employed.

When I mentioned this to people they either discouraged me by stating all the headaches that go with self employment, or they told me a number of small business ideas that they had considered. Although some of the advice was sound, I wanted this venture to be mine.

Through the years I have done many different crafts. Working with yarns, beads and the sewing machine was my way of working through the stress of dealing with people all day long. There have been many times when people have seen my handiwork and have told me that I could sell my creations. I had given away a great share of the things that I had made as gifts.

However I had many pieces of jewelry, several quilts, multiple quilted pillows and several afghans. I had also started making knit purses as well as canvas bags. Of all the small business ideas that I had considered the idea of a craft boutique was the one that I thought was the most feasible. I thought I could have my own things displayed, have an area for consignment craft items and a line of quality gift items. I also love to bake so I thought I could sell baked items in addition to the other things.

We live in a resort area so there are many visitors that come to the area. A small town four miles from our house has several gift shops and has specialized in drawing people to the community with special shopping event through the year.

I spoke with several of the business owners about my small business ideas. They thought a shop like this would be a great compliment to the existing shops. There was a space to rent that had a kitchen area that has passed state inspection where I could make the baked goods.

I have decided that I am going to rent the space for six months and see what happens. If things do not go well I will not be out a great deal of money and if they take off I will extend the lease. It will be a nice change of pace.

I can't begin to tell you the great relief I felt once I made the decision to quit my "job" and go out on my own and also the great sense of excitement and challange at the thought of running my own business.

Probably the hardest part is making that first decision to actually give up the job that I was really not enjoying any more, but once the decision was made, I knew it was the right one.

So for those of you who long to be master of your own time and work at something you love, I would wholeheartedly say, "Go For It!"

Remember, small business ideas can produce BIG profits.

Here's a Home Business that anyone can run to make a few extra dollars or with just a few hours each day, can provide a very sizeable income and a comfortable lifestyle...


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